Email response from the office of the Governor
To: Priscilla
Subject: Discover America - Missouri
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 14:48:17
Dear Mrs. Sarsfield:
It was a pleasure to talk to you last Friday evening about your yearlong journey to Discover America. Governor Carnahan has asked that I reply to your request.
As we discussed, with so many historical and beautiful places in Missouri, it was difficult for the Governor to narrow down his choices. However, in keeping to your specific interests and attempting to allow you to discover Missouri at your own pace, the Governor narrowed his suggestions to three places -- Hannibal, Jefferson City, and Independence, Missouri.
Hannibal offers beautiful views of the Mississippi River as well as being the boyhood home of Missouri's most famous author -- Mark Twain. Many of Mark Twain's works use the people and terrain of Hannibal as their backdrop.
Jefferson City is Missouri's state capital. The Capitol Building and Governor's Mansion are steeped in the history of a frontier state. The Capitol features a museum and many paintings of Missouri's historical past including the famous Thomas Hart Benton mural. The Mansion gives one an idea of how governors have lived past and present.
Finally, Independence is home to Missouri's favorite son, Harry S Truman, 33rd President of the United States. The Truman Presidential Library and Truman home are "must sees" on your list.
Good luck on your journey across America. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about our great state or if I can be of assistance during your visit to Missouri.
Very truly yours,
Ewell Lawson
Office of the Governor
State of Missouri