For years we harbored a dream of getting an RV and seeing America's fifty states "someday." But "someday" never came. Each passing year piled on more responsibilities, more demands, more commitments, and pushed the dream farther out into Never-Never Land.
Until our fifth wedding anniversary, Columbus Day 1997, we decided it's "now or never." We quit our jobs, sold our possessions, bought a truck and 30-foot RV (which we nicknamed "Harvey the RV") and took off to Discover America.
Of course we knew our friends and family would demand postcards, so we decided to use Ken's experience as a photographer/graphic designer and my experience as a history teacher and writer to create our own "Live-at-the-SceneTM" postcards and Email them to everyone. Then we realized, "Hey! Why not Email them to anyone who's interested in US travel? Ardent travelers, armchair travelers, history buffs, teachers, students, or students of life . . . anyone at all."
And that's where you come in. Hop into our "virtual backseat" and hitch a ride with us as we travel America and discover the beauty and diversity of this vast country of fifty unique states.

Priscilla Faith Rhodes
While Ken is photographing the site, I'm interviewing experts, poking around libraries and book shops and talking to locals to dig up the facts for the "Fun Facts" page and for the description that appears on the back of each postcard.

Kenneth Rhodes
What you see are not off-the-shelf postcards. These are actual photos I take with a digital camera while visiting the site. When we return to our RV, I download the photos and design a postcard that will truly express the day's event. So, in essence, you are "Live at the Scene."

Ruby and Harvey were our constant companions on our first cross-country road trip. We clocked hundreds of hours on their spinning wheels, and racked up thousands of miles on their odometers. They remain as faithful, as reliable, and as enjoyable as Man's Best Friend, each one having a personality of its own.